October 20, 2010

Statement by the Head of the UNHCR Office in Greece in relation to the hunger strike of Iranians at Propylaia, Athens

The UN Refugee Agency

1. The hunger strike of Iranian asylum seekers at Propylaia, seven among whom have sewed their lips, is based on their legitimate claim to have their asylum applications processed and a final decision on their legal status issued, according to the asylum legislation.
2. It should be noted that among the hunger strikers, there are persons whose interviews at first instance are delaying for more than a year, while others’ cases are pending at second instance for several years.

October 15, 2010

Racist violence in St. Panteleimonas Square - a press review

A compilation of press articles referring to the escalating phenomenon of racist violence in St. Pantleleimonas area. The reported period is from September 2009 to October 2010.

Download the report here